I started doing some research
into this years ago and always had the feeling
that Atlantis was a series of cities along the
Eastern Coast of the United Sates.
It was not until that advent
of Google Earth that I had the chance to start
looking under the ocean.
I figured that if Atlantis
supposedly sank 11,500 years ago, that would
mean that there still would have been large
glaciers and rugged land left behind from the
retreat of the glaciers in most of the Northern
parts of North America. That means it would
basically be uninhabitable.
So, using that line of
thought, you can come to the idea that most
human life before 11,000 years ago would have
developed closer to the Equator. The growing
seasons would be longer and it was not effected
by the glaciers as much.
So, my first stop on Google
Earth was the very Southern United Sates and the
Caribbean Island chain.
To my amazement, when I opened
Google Earth and went to the place I thought
Atlantis may have been, the whole area is
blurred out by Google Earth.
You can see very fine
definition in all the other places, but, this
one huge block of area has been "smudged" for
some reason so that you can see no detail.
What you "CAN" see is amazing
in itself...
There is an ancient lake or
possibly a reservoir which would be perfect to
supply a large city with water. There are also 3
structures that greatly resemble Giant Pyramids.
Not only that, the 3 Pyramid looking structures
are also designed similar in fashion to the
Great Pyramids, with 2 bigger structures, and a
smaller one farther away.
Are they volcanoes or ancient structures?
Unlike the Lake which casts a shadow on it's
basin, the other structures cast a large shadow
behind them telling us that they are jutting
upwards from the ocean floor. They are quite
large in size.
Here is a basic question;
Why is this area on Google
Earth blurred out when areas that are much much
deeper have vivid resolution?
How about the fact that the
Capital of Georgia, who's state beach is very
close to the area I describe, is so
coincidentally named "Atlanta", and Georgia is
where the Georgia Guidestones were erected.
Underwater City Discovery in the Caribbean
French Team Says
Satellite Images Reveal Underwater City
by Gary Vey for viewzone
Without revealing
the location, a team of explorers
and researchers announced on December 15th,
2009, that they had
discovered an underwater city in the Caribbean
-- and backed up their claim with some amazing
satellite photographs.
This is a deja-vu of the alleged discovery of
"Atlantis" that was made back in 2001 by a
Canadian based team that claimed to have found
an underwater city off the Western tip of Cuba.
The leader of that expedition claimed the site
was in very deep waters -- more than 2000 feet
-- and produced photographs collected through
sonar scans and videotapes of the site taken
from an unmanned vehicle which showed
symmetrically arranged formations. Their white
color suggests they are made from cut,
granite-like stone rather than naturally formed
limestone, which is grey or black when oxidized.
Like the announcement made today, the evidence
was photographic in nature and was widely
reported around the globe. Most news sources
simply copied reports from other sources and no
one bothered to dig deeper to learn who was
making the claims and to determine if anyone had
replicated their claims. The present
announcement has the same circumstances -- even
more suspicious since no names were mentioned.
You would expect that anyone would be happy to
have their names connected with such a wonderful
discovery. This seems very odd. And, yes, there
is money involved.
"Editors Note"...
I don't know what to make of the so-called
"discovery", if it was real or not. Just wanted
to include it in this article.
The Bermuda
Triangle - Real or Big Hoax?
I suspect there may be a much
more simple explanation to the Bermuda Triangle
than underwater crystals that emit magnetic
fields and cause planes to crash and ships to
What if the whole story was
"made up" not only to scare pilots and ships
from going over certain areas, but also to
explain the ones that were shot down for seeing
too much.
I'm in no way saying that
there is nothing "strange" going on in the
Bermuda Triangle, but, what if that strangeness
is being created in some way by people who do
not want others to know about the underwater
The discovery of Atlantis
would open a can of worms that's explanation
would force other questions to be asked like;
What happened to make it sink? That's why I
think that they have tried desperately to cover
up the existence of Atlantis and keep it in the
world of ancient myths. |