Dated to 80 A.D, probably used as calendar
and astronomical calculator for the motions of stars and
planets. It is very sophisticated device that consists of
30 toothed wheels, of diameter
from 9 to 132 mm, being able to rotate at a different speed
each, dials and scaled metal plates with inscriptions related
to the signs of zodiac, names of the planets.
The engraved signs inform about the equinoxes, months, winds
and constellations being in their different phases. This
device was created 1,000 years before the gear was invented.
Was unearthed in Khujut Rabu, in the ruins
of a Parthian village outside Baghdad in 1938 by German
archaeologist Wilhelm Konig. It is a five-inch-long (13
cm) clay jar containing a copper
cylinder that its edge was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin
alloy, and bottom was capped with a crimped-in copper disk
and held in place with asphalt or bitumen. Another
insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also protected
an iron bar suspended into the center of the cylinder. This
one is known as the Baghdad Battery and is
about 2,000 years old.
A dozen of other similar batteries were unearthed in Iraq.
Most sources date the batteries to around 200 BC - in the
Parthian era, circa 250 BC to AD 225. However the Parthians
were skilled warriors rather and their scientific achievements
were not known. It would appear then that they inherited
these batteries from one of the earliest known civilizations.
According to the experts, the device after being filled
with an acid or alkaline liquid could create an electric
charge. It is believed that this old battery might have
been used to electroplate silver, but it is only one of
the theories. Important is to emphasize
that electric batteries were not invented until 1799 by
Alessandro Volta.

An uncommon stone
imbedded with screw-threaded metal bar from a
collector in Lanzhou Mr. Zhilin Wang. He found this stone
on a field research trip to the Mazong Mountain area located
on the border of Gansu and Xijiang provinces. The pear-shaped
stone is extremely hard and has a mysterious black color.
It is about 8 x 7 cm and weighs 466 grams. The most surprising
part of the stone is the imbedded
6 cm cone-shaped metal bar which bears clear screw threads.
The stone is one of the most valuable in China and in the
world. There are many hypotheses about the formation of
this stone, but all seem to be incredible. The screw-threaded
metal bar is tightly enclosed in the black lithical material.
Moreover, the screw thread width remains consistent from
the thick end to the thin end, instead of varying due to
the growth of organisms. Is this a relic from a prehistoric

In 1898 a small wooden,
winged object was found in the tomb of Pa-di-Imen in north
Saqqara, Egypt. The model has the
exact proportions of a very advanced
form of "pusher-glider" however it was identified
as a "bird model". Made of very light sycamore the craft
weighs 0.5 oz. with straight and aerodynamically shaped
wings, spanning about 7 inches. It looks like modern-day
aircraft though it is 2,000-year-old.
According to analysis it was discovered that the object
was aerodynamically sound.

The mechanical features
of the object suggest a highly sophisticated level of aerodynamics
and construction. The objects are very old and
small, approximately 2 inches long, objects, made of gold
are estimated to be AT LEAST
1,000 years old. For archaeologists
the artifacts were depicting animals and were classified
as Sinu, a pre-Inca culture from A.D. 500 to 800... But
only for them. For aeronautical engineers these objects
more looked like airplanes with delta-shaped wings.
So in 1997 they built a scaled up
version of the objects to the exact specifications of the
prototypes with the simple addition of an engine and propeller.
The test was successful. The radio controlled aircraft flew
performing airborn loops, rolls and other maneuvers, and
then performed perfect landing. According to
Dr. Ivan Sanderson, who studied the artifacts, these look
too "mechanical" like an airplane, to be a natural object.
Other similar objects have been discovered in Costa Rica,
Venezuela and Peru.
A human size and shaped,
clear quartz skull, 11.7 lbs, two
pieces with a separate jaw, discovered in Lubaantum
(now Belize) in 1924 in the ruins of a Mayan City by F.
A. Mitchell-Hedges. This skull is currently near Toronto,
Canada with Anna Mitchell-Hedges, his adopted daughter.
The skull is an almost absolute copy of our own human skull
except it is circular in the temples and has a handle like
form in the cheekbones. It's ancient.
The amazing thing is that even
under a microscope no tool marks can be found.
500,000 YEAR

Was unearthed in the
Coso Mountains, California, while looking for unusual rocks.
One of these pieces of rock contained
inside remains of some kind of device. Beneath
the outer layer of hardened clay, pebbles and fossil inclusions
was a hexagonal shaped layer of a substance resembling wood,
softer than agate or jasper. This
layer formed a casing around a three-quarter inch wide cylinder
made of solid white porcelain or ceramic, and in the center
of the cylinder is a two millimeter shaft of shiny metal
core, about .08 inch (2 millimeters) in diameter. Also,
surrounding the ceramic cylinder are rings of copper, mostly
corroded. Embedded too in the rock, though separate
from the cylinder, are two more man-made items - what look
like a nail and a washer. The rock, in which the artifact
resembling a spark plug was found, was dated to about 500,000
year old. Those who manufactured this artifact had to possess
an advanced technology.

In the years 1991-1993, gold prospectors
on the small river Narada, on the eastern side of the Ural
mountains, have found unusual, mostly spiral-shaped objects.
The size of these things ranges from a maximum of 3 cm (1.2
in.) down to an incredible 0.003 mm, about 1/10,000th of
an inch! To date, these inexplicable artifacts have been
found in their thousands at various sites near the rivers
Narada, Kozhim, and Balbanyu, and also by two smaller streams
named Vtvisty and Lapkhevozh, mostly at depths between 3
and 12 meters (10 and 40 ft.) The
spiral-form objects are composed of various metals: the
larger ones are of copper, while the small and very small
ones are of the rare metals tungsten and molybdenum. Tungsten
has a high atomic weight, and is also very dense, with a
melting point of 3410 deg. C (6100 deg. F). It
is used principally for the hardening of special steels,
and in unalloyed form for the filaments of light bulbs.
Molybdenum also has a high density, and a respectable melting
point of 2650 deg. C (4740 deg. F). This metal too is used
for hardening steels and giving them corrosion-resistant
properties, these being used principally for highly-stressed
weapon parts and vehicle armor. All tests carried out to
date these objects to around 20,000 years old.

These Peru bronze wheels, described by professor
Rafael Larco Hoyle in his work "Peru"
must be very old. They
resemble modern gears very much.

In 1945 Waldemar Julsrud, a German immigrant
and an experienced archeologist, discovered some little
clay statues, buried at the foot of El Toro Mountain, near
Acambaro, Guanajuato, in Mexico. Near El Toro and at the
other side of the town, in the vicinity of Mount Chivo,
more than 33,000 figurines made of porcelain were discovered.
Similar relics found nearby were
associated to the Chupicuaro pre-classical Chupicuaro Culture
(800 BC to 200 AD). The figurines are representations of
various species of dinosaurs, which are believed to have
disappeared 65 millions years ago.

Hundreds of carved stone spheres, roughly
three inches in diameter, believed
to date to around 2000 BC, have been found in
Scotland. Some are carved with lines corresponding to the
edges of regular polyhedra. Roughly half have 6 knobs---like
the one at right above---but the others range from three
to 160 knobs. The more mathematically regular ones
do not appear to have had a special importance. For
example, in addition to the 12-knob dodecahedral form shown
in the center and just to its right above, there are also
ones with 14 knobs, corresponding to a form with two opposite
hexagons, each surrounded by six pentagons. Nonetheless,
the dodecahedron appears here long before the Greeks wrote
of it. The function of these stones is unknown and
so it is unclear whether I should list them here under the
category art, but many are intricately carved with spirals
or cross-hatching on the faces. The material varies
from easily carved sandstone and serpentine to difficult,
hard granite and quartzite.
Left: Mysterious
cone-shaped object carved from mammoth ivory.
Right: Human-looking figurines found at Zaraysk, Russia,
carved from mammoth tusks.
Southeast of
Moscow, Russia, about 93 miles is an Old Stone Age excavation
at Zaraysk, where Russian scientists have discovered
figurines and carvings on mammoth
tusks dated to around 22,000 years ago. The cone-shaped
ivory tusk carving (above) is unique among Palaeolithic
artifacts and its function is a puzzle.

This photo of the stunning Ta Prohm Temple
deep in the jungles of Cambodia.This temple is the work
of the remarkable Khmer civilization which
lasted from the 800’s AD until the
1400’s AD. The temple is covered with the most
intricate of carvings. The reader who was visiting the area
noticed very distinct and clear images that seem to depict
a Stegosaurus.

This is a hammer made from an alloy of iron
which is very modern in technology, which
is encased
in "10 million" year old rock which
has formed around it.
"This ancient tool has a simple form, similar to the type
of hammer that is still common in Germany today. The handle
now is a very hard petrified crystal with an intact structure.
It was possible to ascertain that the interior of the handle
had partly turned into porous coal.

Mysterious iron pipes at the foot of Mount
Baigong, located in the depths of the Qaidam Basin, Qinghai
Province, has roused concern from related departments.
What is astonishing is inside for
there is a half-pipe about 40 centimeters in diameter tilting
from the top to the inner end of the cave. Another pipe
of the same diameter goes into the earth with only its top
visible above the ground. At the opening of the cave there
are a dozen pipes at the diameter between 10 and 40 centimeters
run into the mount straightly, showing high fixing technique.
About 80 meters away from the caves is the shimmering Toson
Lake, on whose beach 40 meters away,
many iron pipes can be found scattered
on sands and rocks. They run in the east-west
direction with a diameter between 2 and 4.5 centimeters.
More strange is that there are also some pipes in the lake,
some reaching above water surface and some buried below,
with similar shapes and thickness with those on the beach.
A group of nine Chinese scientists will go to west China's
Qinghai Province this month to closely examine the relics.
According to Qin Jianwen, head of the publicity department
of the Delingha government, the scraps were once taken to
a local smeltery for analysis.
The result shows that they are made up of 30 percent ferric
oxide with a large amount of silicon dioxide and calcium
oxide. Eight percent of the content could not be identified.
"The large content of silicon dioxide and calcium oxide
is a result of long interaction between iron and sandstone,
which means the pipes must be very
old," said Liu Shaolin, the engineer who did
the analysis.
"This result has made the site even more mysterious," Qin
said."Nature is harsh here. There are no residents let alone
modern industry in the area, only a few migrant herdsmen
to the north of the mountain."

A terracotta statue of of approximately 18
cm of length representing one strange dinosaur/sauropod
with plates on its back. The plates are triangular, and
continue along the back until reaching the tail.
Age...Very Old

In 1929, a group of historians
found an amazing map drawn on a gazelle skin.
Research showed that it was a genuine
document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of
the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century. His
passion was cartography. His high rank within the Turkish
navy allowed him to have a privileged access to the Imperial
Library of Constantinople.The Turkish admiral admits in
a series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied
the data from a large number of source maps, some of which
dated back to the fourth century BC or earlier.
The Controversy...
The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the
eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of
Antarctica. The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly
detailed. The most puzzling however is not so much
how Piri Reis managed to draw such
an accurate map of the Antarctic region 300 years before
it was discovered, but that the map shows the coastline
under the ice. Geological evidence confirms that
the latest date Queen Maud Land could have been charted
in an ice-free state is 4000 BC.

So-Called experts
say this is a natural formation. Do they really think we
are that stupid?
Much more like ancient ruins that display a high level of

This is The
Badlands Guardian located up in the badlands of Canada.
Another thing "They" say is natural. "They" must really
think we are that stupid I guess.